Portex 18 – I (E)-Vote Wholotics

Portex 18 – I (E)-Vote Wholotics

Politics of Wholeness Leaders administrate “I-Vote Will”

  • Includes scales and reputoken i-voting as well as developing governance policies. Change teams Leaders administrate I-Vote Will.
  • Wholotics will implement cooperative wealth across communities, maintain functional governance within and across communities and regions.
  • As people form organizations, they need mechanisms to arrive at optimal decisions so the organization can take coordinated action. Acquiring freedom and maintaining freedom requires a knowledgeable, active civicry that is responsible to perpetuate and evolve freedom.

Many mechanisms have been and continue to be used, including types of direct democracy, representative democracy, authoritarian apexing and so on and on.

Includes scale values and reputation i-voting as well as policies.

Unlimited Issuing of  Proof of Service Tokens Wholotic I-Vote Tokens become Currents as exchanged or consumed

When it comes to policies regarding its internal supply and ordinances for projects to fund as a community, the paradigm roots of the mechanism starts to play a vital role in how the community evolves.

People can endow projects for their communities on a different basis of valuation than simply getting returns. Power and property are properly shared.

Who are ‘we’ in terms of Wholotics, politics of the whole? Which issues – economic, social, military, environmental…take priority? Wholotics is based on localized participatory agreement. We work across scale, local, regional and beyond resolving serious political separative conflicts likely to arise.

Wholotics is about changing our political basis and structures. This is not about right or left or center. This is about survival and fundamental mature cooperation. We do not need to be defined by the old narrative. Establishing governance of, by and for everyone equitably and fairly.

Embracing a wholistic approach

Civilisation is a blind alley leading to a cliff of an abyss deepened by technological advances.  We are moving towards a dead end.

Wholotics is radically decentralized power

We embrace a holistic approach. The organisation reflects the society we want to create. Living what we preach. We transform into communities that provide everything a tribe does a modern tribe, interacting with the world around it on the basis of mutual benefit.

  • Everyone is important
  • Every opinion is valid
  • Everyone to express themselves listening to what others say
  • Not allowing domination
  • Creating mechanisms whereby we support each other in all life situations (sickness, bereavement, loss)
  • Caring for the wellbeing of all
  • Making decisions as equals taking into account the longterm effect of our decisions
  • Growing as much of the food we need in a co-operative way to again connect to nature and our spiritual selves
  • Fear and isolation can disappear and a tribal spirit emerge.
  • Evolve into a stable community where we can take care of each other instead of being taken care of.
  • Where we decide. Instead of being led like a flock of sheep. Where we can become increasingly independent from the unfit old system until it is no longer needed. 

Network with other organizations or communities that have developed along similar lines.

A synthesis of modern technologies and solutions, ancient knowledge and wisdom, modern science and intrinsic human spirituality and bring together the suffering people in the industrialized world and the developing world. 

Politicians are the last group that will initiate any action towards resolving any needed change. If we expect politicians to do what the population can’t do, that is think further than the next election as opposed to thinking about what has caused us to come to the brink, there is no hope that we can resolve the ongoing calamities.

Politics act as a buffer and scapegoat should the host rise to destroy the Pyrasite Nests. The first step to understanding representative voting is to get past the surrounding emotional manipulation.

  • Doing your duty
  • Participating in your government
  • Seeing what society really wants
  • Making your voice heard
  • Creating the kind of society you want 
  • These are all used as emotional justifications for voting. They’re emotional pleas by which people become emotionally invested in voting.

Representative voting makes people feel as if they’re given a choice. Voting validates the sucker, the slave and the conquered person to themselves.

The sucker feels as if he’s accomplished something valuable.

The slave was allowed to choose a new master, and therefore, must not be a slave.

The conquered person is thrown a table scrap, making him appear less conquered.

Ultimately, voting placates those who are ground under. Modern countries without voting, revolt. Unrest and radicalism exist in the medium of extreme poverty and gross social imbalances.

Americans believe they aren’t directly peasants even as they are indirectly. Those running the show don’t want a revolt. It isn’t profitable. The vote exists to give legitimacy to the veneer of a free society; the illusion of choice. We must be given the feeling as if we are controlling their own destiny because we have been brainwashed to believe we are free people. In the end the representatives do what they want.

Politics of Wholeness Leaders administrate “I-Vote Will”

  • Includes scales and reputoken i-voting as well as developing governance policies. Change teams Leaders administrate I-Vote Will.
  • Wholotics will implement cooperative wealth across communities, maintain functional governance within and across communities and regions.
  • As people form organizations, they need mechanisms to arrive at optimal decisions so the organization can take coordinated action. Acquiring freedom and maintaining freedom requires a knowledgeable, active civicry that is responsible to perpetuate and evolve freedom.

Many mechanisms have been and continue to be used, including types of direct democracy, representative democracy, authoritarian apexing and so on and on.

Includes scale values and reputation i-voting as well as policies.

Unlimited Issuing of  Proof of Service Tokens Wholotic I-Vote Tokens become Currents as exchanged or consumed

When it comes to policies regarding its internal supply and ordinances for projects to fund as a community, the paradigm roots of the mechanism starts to play a vital role in how the community evolves.

People can endow projects for their communities on a different basis of valuation than simply getting returns. Power and property are properly shared.

Who are ‘we’ in terms of Wholotics, politics of the whole? Which issues – economic, social, military, environmental…take priority? Wholotics is based on localized participatory agreement. We work across scale, local, regional and beyond resolving serious political separative conflicts likely to arise.

Wholotics is about changing our political basis and structures. This is not about right or left or center. This is about survival and fundamental mature cooperation. We do not need to be defined by the old narrative. Establishing governance of, by and for everyone equitably and fairly.

Embracing a wholistic approach

Civilisation is a blind alley leading to a cliff of an abyss deepened by technological advances.  We are moving towards a dead end.

Wholotics is radically decentralized power

We embrace a holistic approach. The organisation reflects the society we want to create. Living what we preach. We transform into communities that provide everything a tribe does a modern tribe, interacting with the world around it on the basis of mutual benefit.

  • Everyone is important
  • Every opinion is valid
  • Everyone to express themselves listening to what others say
  • Not allowing domination
  • Creating mechanisms whereby we support each other in all life situations (sickness, bereavement, loss)
  • Caring for the wellbeing of all
  • Making decisions as equals taking into account the longterm effect of our decisions
  • Growing as much of the food we need in a co-operative way to again connect to nature and our spiritual selves
  • Fear and isolation can disappear and a tribal spirit emerge.
  • Evolve into a stable community where we can take care of each other instead of being taken care of.
  • Where we decide. Instead of being led like a flock of sheep. Where we can become increasingly independent from the unfit old system until it is no longer needed. 

Network with other organizations or communities that have developed along similar lines.

A synthesis of modern technologies and solutions, ancient knowledge and wisdom, modern science and intrinsic human spirituality and bring together the suffering people in the industrialized world and the developing world. 

Politicians are the last group that will initiate any action towards resolving any needed change. If we expect politicians to do what the population can’t do, that is think further than the next election as opposed to thinking about what has caused us to come to the brink, there is no hope that we can resolve the ongoing calamities.

Politics act as a buffer and scapegoat should the host rise to destroy the Pyrasite Nests. The first step to understanding representative voting is to get past the surrounding emotional manipulation.

  • Doing your duty
  • Participating in your government
  • Seeing what society really wants
  • Making your voice heard
  • Creating the kind of society you want 
  • These are all used as emotional justifications for voting. They’re emotional pleas by which people become emotionally invested in voting.

Representative voting makes people feel as if they’re given a choice. Voting validates the sucker, the slave and the conquered person to themselves.

The sucker feels as if he’s accomplished something valuable.

The slave was allowed to choose a new master, and therefore, must not be a slave.

The conquered person is thrown a table scrap, making him appear less conquered.

Ultimately, voting placates those who are ground under. Modern countries without voting, revolt. Unrest and radicalism exist in the medium of extreme poverty and gross social imbalances.

Americans believe they aren’t directly peasants even as they are indirectly. Those running the show don’t want a revolt. It isn’t profitable. The vote exists to give legitimacy to the veneer of a free society; the illusion of choice. We must be given the feeling as if we are controlling their own destiny because we have been brainwashed to believe we are free people. In the end the representatives do what they want.